Our primary focus lies in unwinding the values of freedom and democracy, while safeguarding our independence and upholding Christian values.
The founder of our organization, the political community of Fidesz set out to build a civic, national and Christian network in 2003.
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán labelled this a “value-saving and value-creating work”, a long-term, thorough process.
Our foundation aims to embody these values and ideas in all our activities and programs.
Over the past two decades, the Foundation for
a Civic Hungary has emerged as the preserver of civic communities within and beyond the borders of Hungary.
Ádám Kavecsánszki
Chairman of Fundation for a Civic Hungary
Each political party in Hungary is entitled to set up a political foundation aiming to foster democratic culture through training, research, scientific and educational activities, but not allowed to do electoral campaigns. Political Foundations are funded transparently from the state budget and are strictly supervised.
Greatest achievements since the Foundation was established in 2003:
Annually organising two of the most prominent national political events: the Meeting of Kötcse, and the Prime Minister’s Annual State of the Nation Address,
More than 250 community-building events, comprehensive training programs with more than 8,000 trained activists and local politicians,
Recognizing service to society with over 50 prizes awarded to people and organisations like Wilfried Martens or the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,
Handing out grants to hundreds of projects fostering civic engagement,
Supporting dialogue between the conservative and right-wing political communities in Europe through our international activities,
Providing an insight into politics to hundreds of young professionals through our Internship Programme in Budapest and Brussels.
Since its establishment, The Foundation for a Civic Hungary has been committed to the notion of a Europe based on sovereign nation-states, the ideas of subsidiarity, decentralisation, and Christian values; these are the principles we represent and promote during our international activities.
We are engaged in an active strategic partnership with a number of foreign conservative think tanks. We are constantly striving to cement and expand our Foundation’s already diverse network of external relations, and continue to seek out new potential allies.
Our activities involve organising diplomatic breakfasts, specialised seminars on foreign policy, drafting strategic background studies on foreign policy, and keeping in touch with international actors.
The Foundation for a Civic Hungary, the political foundation of Fidesz, has founded an international award to recognize outstanding personalities who have contributed significantly to European freedom and independence, to cooperation among nations, and to the protection of values defining European identity – rooted in the Greco-Roman cultural traditions and the Christian moral framework. The objective is to highlight individuals and their work who courageously represent the sovereigntist aspirations of equal national communities and who are influential figures both in right-wing and conservative way of thinking.
The Foundation for a Civic Hungary as the political foundation of Fidesz started to operate its very first foreign representation in Brussels to promote Christian democratic values, conservative thought and patriotism on a European level. Our mission is to strengthen the cross-party cooperation within the conservative wing in Europe by providing ideas and first-hand information about Hungary’s main policies and to serve as an international platform of likeminded opinion leaders and policy makers.
Our Team in Brussels is working on promoting our values and messages by organising public conferences, book launches, lectures and networking events; analysing major European political events in the media; and facilitating bilateral talks and meetings.
Our address in Brussels: Rond Point Robert Schuman 9, 1040 Brussels
Headquarters in Budapest: 20. Stefánia Str., 1143 Budapest
E-mail: brussels@szpma.hu