About us

Each political party in Hungary is entitled to set up a political foundation aiming to foster democratic culture through training, research, scientific and educational activities, but not allowed to do electoral campaigns. Political Foundations are funded transparently from the state budget and are strictly supervised.

Greatest achievements
since the Foundation was established in 2003:

  • Annually organising two of the most prominent national political events: the Meeting of Kötcse, and the Prime Minister’s Annual State of the Nation Address,

  • More than 250 community-building events, comprehensive training programs with more than 8,000 trained activists and local politicians,

  • Recognizing service to society with over 50 prizes awarded to people and organisations like Wilfried Martens or the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,

  • Handing out grants to hundreds of projects fostering civic engagement,

  • Supporting dialogue between the conservative and right-wing political communities in Europe through our international activities,

  • Providing an insight into politics to hundreds of young professionals through our Internship Programme in Budapest and Brussels.


Foreign affairs activities

Hunyadi János award

What others think about us

Encouraging people to engage in politics, providing trainings to prepare them for the competition in politics, and fostering cross-border political discussions: these are responsibilities that do not exclusively fall upon the shoulders of the state but that of civil society too – and especially upon political foundations. Together with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung – a foundation close to the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) – the Foundation for a Civic Hungary (PMA) has been working towards this goal ever since it was established – the two organisations have built an intense and friendly relationship at the core of which lies their shared set of values.
Frank Spengler
Former Head of the Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung’s office in Hungary
The people of Bavaria and Hungary have many ties. Not only the Danube which is, beyond doubt, the most apparent of all. Bavarian-Hungarian issues play an important role in the cooperation between HSA (Hanns Seidel Foundation) and PMA. I would like to congratulate PMA, and wish them all the best; I would like to express my gratitude for an intimate cooperation that is built upon mutual trust and carried out in the spirit of Hungarian-German friendship. 
Martin Kastler
Former Member of the European Parliament
Political dynamism at the international level today continuously increases the value of Judeo-Christian culture and political communication, knowledge and community building, based on Central European civic values. The Foundation for a Civic Hungary has been active in this field for 15 years now, showing outstanding results. However it does not merely convey knowledge: It aims to preserve Christian-conservative ideas known in the central region of Europe, and protects universal values such as national thinking, respect for freedom and patriotism. We can see from international experiences that creating the conditions for value-based cohesion is also the task of political foundations, since today it is no longer right-wing and left-wing politics, but opposites of national and globalist forces that define the fields of political struggle. The activities of the Foundation for a Civic Hungary is known and acknowledged not only in Hungary but also throughout Europe. It was an honour for me to be involved in this value creating activity within and beyond the country, for five years as Director for Foreign Affairs.
Dr. Ernő Schaller-Baross
Member of the European Parliament

brussels office




Our address in Brussels: Rond Point Robert Schuman 9, 1040 Brussels

Headquarters in Budapest: 20. Stefánia Str., 1143 Budapest

E-mail: brussels@szpma.hu

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